Message from the EDA President: Paul Borrelli

Message from the President

Canada needs a new leader! A leader that will navigate our present rudderless Canadian ship with vision, purpose, and direction.  For eight years Canada has been floundering in a sea of uncertainty without a compass, without a competent captain and without a reliable crew.

On the world stage Canada has been suffering continual decline economically due to the inept fiscal and monetary policies. Canada has been bridled with the malaise of a ballooning national debt, burgeoning bureaucracy, deteriorating economic productivity, prohibitive regulations, and uncontrolled bank lending practices. Consequently, living standards have not kept pace with our peer countries for quite some time now. Canada is no longer a place of affordability, reasonable taxation, and economic prosperity for the middle class. In Canada the wealth gap is widening at the expense of the average citizen.

Internationally, Canada is also suffering from negative perceptions. A nation which extols the axiom “true north strong and free” has been somewhat tarnished by the recent actions of the present government. Our Bill of Rights and Charter of Rights, which guarantee freedom of expression and freedom of association, essential pillars of democratic principles, have lately been compromised in the guise of protection for the greater good.

The present course that Canada has taken leaves much uncertainty for our future generations.  Canada needs to be “rebooted”. And that will require new leadership with a better grasp on how our great country with immense resources and potential could once again be the land of freedom, prosperity, and strength for future generations.